Basic shop functions

Summary of the most important functionalities for CStore software

1. Statistics
2. Categories
3. Manufacturers
4. Products
5. Customers
6. Orders
7. Menuboxes
8. Invoices
9. Advertising banners
11. Language versions and currencies
12. Newsletter

1. Statistics

– Basic statistics (number of categories, products, producers, customers, orders)
– Top 50 most popular products on the shop
– Recent visits to the online shop- IP addresses and sources of visits (24 hours), number of total visits (last 7 days)
– Top customers by purchase
– Order reports – sales statistics
– Order sources – percentage / quantity overview
– Top 50 most frequently searched phrases by customers in the shop search engine
– Preview of saved store products by customers
– Product availability notifications – preview of products customers are waiting for a supplier

2. Categories

– Management of categories (add, delete, edit), setting up the tree
– Display priorities
– Discounts and commissions
– Category descriptions, displayed when entering a category
– Category images, displayed in the category list
– SEO parameters: title, description, keywords
– Definition of category availability on selected price comparison sites

3. Manufacturers

– Management of manufacturers (add, delete, edit)
– Discounts and commissions
– Producer descriptions, displayed when entering a producer
– SEO parameters: title, description, keywords
– Link to manufacturer’s official website
– Addition of manufacturer’s logo

4. Products

– Product management (add, delete, edit).
– Product name, selection of category (basic and additional) and manufacturer
– Basic and brief description
– Main and additional photos (download from disk or link), description of photos
– Basic price and option to sell the product for free
– Promotional price, wholesale price
– Shipping price – extra charge for shipping the goods (option to multiply the shipping price by the number of pieces)
– Percentage commission
– Product price for points (buy for a certain amount of points)
– PKWiU code
– Product availability statuses
– Activity
– Warehouse – stock control
– Sales unit
– Availability levels (customer information): little, medium, much
– Minimum and maximum quantity of the ordered product
– EAN code, catalogue noindex, manufacturer noindex, wholesaler, wholesaler code
– Product weight
– RSS feed
– Allow price negotiation
– Product display: homepage (featured), front page, news
– Slogan
– Product series
– Video clip (YouTube, Vimeo) and description
– SEO parameters: title, description, keywords
– Product visibility in price comparison engines
– Fixed product features – information defining the characteristics of a given product (possibility for the customer to filter search results according to these parameters)
– Product features – parameters defining the product, e.g. size, colour – setting the price, weight, minimum and maximum quantity of the ordered product, noindex, photo
– possibility to enter 3 related characteristics
– entry of final prices of product variants (previously price difference)
– entering final prices of variants in currencies
– entry of promotional prices for product variants
– Product files with the possibility to download them from the product card
– Product comments and approval
– Statistics: date of creation, modification, number of views, orders, items sold, pending, storage
– Online shop allows the creation of product sets (set price, stock control, tax, additional shipping price, activity)
– Preview of products displayed on the homepage, promotions, news
– Product statuses, determination of customer purchase options
– Moving products between categories
– Product view with additional categories and images
– Product view with stock, activity and availability status
– Group of related products, displayed on the product card, other products in the group
– Setting of features: name, display priority, images, additional charges
– Import and export of fixed features
– Product availability on selected price comparison sites
– Import and export of products from CSV file (with or without fixed attributes), reports
– Notification of products with minimum stock levels
– Product prices based on quantity ordered
– Search product suggestions in the quick search engine
– Bestseller” option – can be set manually

5. Customers

– Overview of registered customers (customer data, shipping data – data can be edited)
– Setting product discounts
– Amount of all orders
– System for sending and reviewing e-mails to customers
– Account locking/activation, password change
– Notes to customer visible by administration
– Notes to customer visible by customer and administration
– List of orders placed by customer
– Shop login function for customer account by administration (without password)
– Overview of unregistered customers, one-time purchases
– Setting of customer groups and discounts for selected categories and manufacturers
– Import and export of email database: registered, one-off, all
– Customer consent to receive surveys from feedback systems

6. Orders

– Overview of orders by status:
– unapproved (optional)
– prepayment: pending payment, paid
– collection: to be sent, dispatched
– personal collection: in preparation, to be collected
– completed, rejected, all, deleted.
– Order archive
– Adding orders for a customer (product/customer search), setting up payment and shipping.
– Document buffers: despatch to courier company
– Overview of payments made via PayU, DotPay, PayByNet
– Order validation (optional)
– Advanced order search engine
– Web shop allows you to preview your order
– Detailed information about the order
– Email and sms notifications when order status changes
– Automatic marking of orders as completed (for electronic payments)
– Storage and sending of waybill number (for couriers)
– Collective sending of information to couriers about orders
– Display of information on the document selected by the customer: receipt, invoice
– Generation of proforma VAT invoices and VAT invoices for orders
– Source of order
– Order notes
– Store shopping basket for registered customer
– Memorisation of form fields during the ordering process
– Automatic redirection to online payment (from order summary)

7. Menuboxes

– Management of menuboxes (delete, add, edit), appearing in the right and left columns of the shop.
– Settings for order, visibility, page (right/left)
– Settings for system menuboxes: shopping basket preview, categories, search engine, series, recently added, waiting room, manufacturers, product comparison, filtering by fixed features, news, promotions, newsletter, bestsellers, reviews
– Creation of your own menuboxes, with free text content, editing via visual editor
Content management
– Link settings at the top and bottom of the page, display order
– System links (e.g. home page, manufacturers, comments etc.)
– Links to articles on the shop
– Individual links to any URL
– Management of static pages e.g. delivery information
– Management of system pages – contact, terms and conditions, FAQ
– Subpage type assignment e.g. article visible on news page
– Editing of error pages, message when a page is not found by a customer, etc.
– SEO parameters: title, description, keywords
– Article categories
– Individual tags, by entering them in the template, the content is automatically replaced
– Message to customers of the shop, displayed in a window after entering the online shop

8. Invoices

– VAT invoices original, copy, duplicate, correction
– Pro-forma invoice automatically after ordering (for prepayment by bank transfer)
– FV after the order has been placed (generated by the administration)
– Advanced invoice search by customer, document number, time period
– Sending of documents by e-mail in pdf format, possibility of printing
– Automatic or manual numbering of documents

9. Advertising banners

– Management of banner groups (delete, add, edit)
– Adding banners to groups including:
– Uploading an image from a file
– Image name
– Link to selected page
– Banner visibility time interval
– Maximum number of views
– Banner settings (width/height)
– CStore web shops allow you to view banners, number of views and clicks, CTR, activity settings


– Product comments, acceptance by administration
– Order comments, acceptance by administration
– Deletion of comments

11. Language versions and currencies

– Manage language versions, add/remove languages.
– Setting of language name, code, flag, activity
– Assignment of dedicated CSS styles available only for a given language version
– Edit shop translations: original name and name in selected language
– Tax zones: country and tax
– Management of currencies (addition/deletion)
– Automatic collection of exchange rate from the NBP or manual entering
– Assignment of currencies to languages
– Setting of exchange rate thresholds (from, to, rate, currency)
– Translation settings for products, categories, manufacturers, articles, system content

12. Newsletter

– Sending a newsletter to a selected group of customers:
– newsletter customers
– registered
– unregistered
– all
– defined customer groups
– Test mailing to the administration
– Overview of the list of emails subscribed to the newsletter
– Import of e-mail list for newsletter
– Sms newsletter (selection of customer group, message type, content)

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